Opening Times
Out of Hours Doctors
Call JDOC: 01534 445445
When the practice is closed, medical care is provided by Jersey Doctors On Call (JDOC). JDOC is based in the hospital and staffed by local GPs, who take turns providing medical cover for all the practices in Jersey.
JDOC appointments can be made by calling 01534 445445. Please note, this is an appointment and home visit service only.
If you are seen by JDOC, medical notes from your consultation will be communicated back to your usual GP to ensure your doctor is kept up to date.
Your invoice for the consultation will be sent to you from Lido Medical Practice, and we will reimburse the JDOC doctor.
Out of hours price list
Current Prices for Out of Hours Consultations for Jersey Residents are shown below:
Base Visit
(at the Hospital up to 11pm only)
Home Visit
(8am - 11pm)
Night Home Visit
(11pm - 8am)
Telephone advice before 11, £40 after 11pm
The same fees apply to children and adults.
If you do not have a Jersey Health Card then add £20.00 to the prices shown above
HMA patients will have their consultation costs paid by the Social Security Department
and HAS scheme patients qualify for reduced consultation costs
For the States of Jersey information on out of hours doctors please click this link