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Jersey Ear Wax and Microsuction Clinic

Our clinic uses microsuction which is considered to be the safest procedure for wax removal from the ear canal. In some cases it is the only method that should be used. The medical literature suggests complications such as ear drum perforation and ear canal infection are lower when microsuction is compared to ear irrigation.

Microsuction involves the cleaning of the ear under a microscope, usually with a small sucker to remove wax and debris. Removing wax via this method allows a clearer view of the eardrum and aids in diagnosis. The use of an ear wax softner such as sodium bicarbonate is not essential, although if this is used it will aid removal of the wax. Softners may be obtained from pharmacists and could be used for 2-3 days up to a week before the procedure is performed.

In most cases treatment is completed in one 15 minute session.

Cases in which microsuction should be the only method used to clean an ear of wax include;

  • Ears with repeated infections of the ear canal

  • Ears which have previously undergone certain procedures such as mastoid operations

  • Ear drum perforations

In addition to the removal of wax it can also be used for the extraction of foreign bodies, treatment of acute and chronic ear infections and de-waxing children's ears.

What happens at the clinic appointment?

You will be assessed by Dr James Keir, a GP at Lido Medical Practice. Dr Keir spent many years as an ear, nose and throat specialist before entering general practice and holds a specialist qualification in this field.


Initial consultation - will involve an assessment by history and examination to see if ear wax is causing your symptoms. If you are not normally registered with our practice, you will need to be secondarily registered with us, however patients need not move from their regular GP.

What happens if I decide to have microsuction?

You will be asked to lie on a couch so that the ear can be examined under a microscope. A small suction probe will then be used to clean the ear canal of wax under direct vision. The cost for cleaning one or both ears is £60.

What if I can't come to the surgery?

Dr Keir has portable microsuction equipment which can be brought to your home or place of residence so that the procedure can be performed there.

What are the benefits?

The procedure allows cleaning of ears with the intention of relieving symptoms.

What are the risks of having microsuction?

The ear canal may become grazed during the procedure however this can be avoided if you keep as still as possible. Some patients report dizziness or hearing loss after this procedure however both in the vast majority are temporary and go within minutes. Rarely a perforation of the ear drum may be caused by the procedure. However as already stated the medical literature is supportive that these complications are lower in microsuction compared to
ear irrigation.

How to contact us to make an appointment

If you wish to make an appointment for microscution please contact the practice on 01534 723892 and ask to make an appointment for microsuction with Dr Keir.


Clegg et al. The safety and effectivness of different methods of earwax removal: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess. 2010 Jun; 14(28): 1-192. doi: 10.3310/hta14280.

Guidi et al. Risk of otitis externa following manual cerumen removal.
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2014 Jul; 123 (7): 482-4.

Prowse and Mulla. Aural microsuction for wax impaction: survey of efficacy and patient perception. J Laryngol Otol. 2014 Jul; 128 (7): 621-5. doi: 10.1017/S0022215114000796. Epub 2014 Jul 14.

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